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    Axis Weapons
    Axis Weapons

    Mauser Karbiner 98k

    Operation: Bolt-action
    Caliber: 8mm Mauser
    Capacity: 5 round stripper clip
    Weight: 8.5 lbs
    Rifle Damage: Heavy
    Bayonette Damage: Moderate
    Accuracy: Great
    Recoil: Heavy

    Perhaps the most accurate unzoomed weapon in DoD, this rifle is devastating if you know how to use it. It has a 5 round magazine, is bolt-action -- and thus, has a low RoF -- and has a kick comparable to an M1 Carbine.

    The Kar was designed to drop a target from mid to extreme range, and I have to admit, it does its job well. I have watched as seasoned soldiers take out targets I couldn't even SEE. Aim with the bulk of your target lined up with the middle crosshair, and you are almost guaranteed a kill, even when standing. Generally, though, you will find me crouched with this weapon, as it increases accuracy.

    The bayonet is a nifty addition, as it reduces your time to make a knife kill.

    CQB is not the Kar's highpoint. AVOID CQB AT ALL COSTS. Though you do have your bayonet to help, the fact that your adversary can almost always get more shots in than you per second is a sure-fire fact that you do not want this thing out if he's close enough to touch with your own hand.

    Game Tips: In addition to the K98’s great accuracy at long ranges, the bayonette can be a very effective weapon in close quarters – hit the ‘secondary fire’ key to use it. 

    Karbiner 43

    Operation: Semiautomatic
    Caliber: 8mm Mauser
    Capacity: 10 round box magazine
    Weight: 8.6 lbs
    Rifle Damage: Heavy
    Accuracy: Good
    Recoil: Heavy

    The Kar 43 was the attempt to match the American Garand. While it does have its advantages -- a larger clip (10 rounds) and semi-auto capability -- than the Kar 98, it does have its drawbacks -- a slower RoF, and a slightly heavier recoil than its American cousin.

    The Kar can be employed much in the same way as a Garand, though generally, when aiming, you'll want to keep your target lined up with the middle crosshair. It has a slightly less powerful round, so you may have to put two shots into your target to take him out.

    Don't use this weapon to fire while advancing; your shots are not going to hit well, and you'll prolly be SOL when you arrive at your destination, because you'll have to reload, a process marginally longer than the Garand's.

    Put this weapon to use at mid to long range. CQB is not ideal for this weapon, though if you follow Garand CQB tactics, you might have a shot at coming out on top.

    Game Tips: The K43 is very similar to the Garand in performance – great for medium/long ranges, not quite as effective close-in.

    MP40 Machine Pistol

    Operation: Automatic
    Caliber: 9mm Parabellum
    Capacity: 31 round box magazine
    Weight: 8.7 lbs
    Damage: Moderate
    Accuracy: Medium
    Recoil: Moderate

    Perhaps the German response to the M1A1, The MP40 has a smaller round, but bigger clip -- 32 rounds -- and comparable -- if not smaller -- kick than the Thompson.

    MP40 tactics almost mirror those of the M1A1, though I have to admit, I have seen pros drop targets with this gun faster and easier than their American counterpart.

    Again, at mid-to-short-range, keep the crosshair in the middle, and you can't go wrong.

    Game Tips: Like the Tommygun, the MP40 is one of the few guns that can be used effectively on the run – although accuracy is poor while moving, the MP40’s volume of fire will usually keep it effective.

    MP44 Assault Rifle

    Operation: Automatic
    Caliber: 8mm Kurz
    Capacity: 30 round ‘bananna clip’
    Weight: 11.5 lbs
    Damage: Moderate
    Accuracy: Medium
    Recoil: Moderate

    One of my favorite weapons, the MP44 is the answer to the American BAR. Perhaps its superior, it was the model on which the Russian Automat-Kalashikov 47 was designed. This rifle has a stopping power equal to the BAR, a larger 30-round clip, and a heavier--but predictable--kick. You can apply the tactics of the M1A1 Thompson to this weapon, but:

    • Your accuracy is improved at range if you fire in short, tight bursts of three to four shots;
    • It takes less shots to drop a target if you aim for the head/neck area than the M1A1;
    • Advancing while firing is harder to accomplish with this weapon; and
    • It takes more to accustom yourself to this weapon's recoil.

    Game Tips: The MP44 is a good weapon all-around.  It’s accuracy is slightly better than the SMG’s, so can be used at both long and short range.

    FG42 Paratroop Rifle

    Operation: Automatic
    Caliber: 8mm Mauser
    Capacity: 20 round box magazine
    Weight: 9.9 lbs
    Damage: Heavy    
    Accuracy: Medium 
    Recoil: Extremely Heavy

    The Fallschrimjaeger Gewhr 42 is NOT a rookie's weapon; Its large round and short barrel make this weapon kick harder than a mule. On the upside, it is a CQB master, and has a decent 20-round clip. It also comes in two flavors: with a bipod, so you can use it like an MG, or a scope, so you can use it as a sniping weapon -- be warned: you gain no accuracy bonuses with the scope up like a true sniper rifle does, and your RoF is reduced. If anything, scope in to report enemy activity, and keep your target dead center, and even then, hitting him is not guaranteed.

    You can see that if you fire the FG42, it will kick at least an inch upward. If you intend to use this weapon, pull your mouse up; you will be dragging it downward to compensate for the kick. At distance, fire this thing like a Kar: Crouch down, pull the trigger, compensate, repeat. Burst fire at distance is just wasting ammo.

    Mid and short range is more up the FG42's alley. Burst your shots in pairs or triplets, advance on the enemy, and, when close enough, unload on him. Reload, rinse, repeat.

    Game Tips: The FG42 is fairly useless at long range unless your bipod is deployed.  Otherwise, the weapon is great for close-in work.

    FG42 Paratroop Rifle - Scoped

    Operation: Automatic
    Caliber: 8mm Mauser
    Capacity: 20 round box magazine
    Weight: 9.9 lbs
    Damage: Heavy    
    Accuracy: Medium 
    Recoil: Extremely Heavy

    This weapon is identical to the previous FG42 except that it sports a scope rather than a bipod. 

    Game Tips: The FG42’s scope does not grant a huge bonus in accuracy like other sniper rifles – however, it does allow you to see the target area much more clearly.

    Mauser Karbiner 98k Sniper Rifle

    Operation: Bolt-action
    Caliber: 8mm Mauser
    Capacity: 5 round stripper clip
    Weight: 11 lbs
    Damage: Heavy
    Accuracy: Great
    Recoil: Heavy

    The standard german infantryman’s weapon was easily adapted as a sniper rifle with a simple "High Turret” scope attachment. 

    This versatility was one of the reason’s the K98’s service life was so long.

    Game Tips: Crouching and laying on the ground will help eliminate the ‘sway’ encountered while zoomed in.  Standing and firing is very difficult with this weapon.

    MG34 Machine Gun

    Operation: Belt-fed, automatic
    Caliber: 8mm Mauser
    Capacity: 75 round ‘assault’ drum
    Weight: 26.6 lbs
    Damage: Heavy
    Deployed Accuracy: Good
    Undeployed Accuracy: Poor
    Deployed Recoil: Light
    Undeployed Recoil: Heavy

    The MG34 was a truly revolutionary development – it gave the German infantryman the world’s first machine gun that was fully capable of providing a high volume of sustained firepower without sacrificing speed of movement and tactical flexibility.  Today every military power in the world employs machine guns that have evolved from the basic configuration and principles of the MG34.

    Game Tips: The MG34 has the best accuracy of all the MG’s – it will retain some effectiveness undeployed and on the move, although a deployed position is still recommended.

    MG Useage: Machineguns are nearly useless when not deployed.  Go ‘prone’ and hit ‘secondary fire’ to deploy your bipod. (Or, find an ‘MG nest’ to deploy the bipod while standing.)

    MG42 Machine Gun

    Operation: Belt-fed, automatic
    Caliber: 8mm Mauser
    Capacity: 250 round belt
    Weight: 25.3 lbs
    Damage: Heavy
    Deployed Accuracy: Good
    Undeployed Accuracy: Very poor
    Deployed Recoil: Light
    Undeployed Recoil: Extreme

    Hurried into development to overcome problems with the MG34, the radical new MG42 established a reputation for reliability and combat effectiveness despite its crude appearance.  It’s revolutionary yet simple design soldiers on even today with the German Bundeswehr and other European armies, in a form virtually identical to the very first production models.

    Game Tips: The MG42 has the highest rate of fire of any weapon in the game – over 1200 rounds per minute! Because of this, it will chew through ammo fairly quickly – it can even overheat it’s barrel if you don’t control your fire.

    MG Useage: Machineguns are nearly useless when not deployed.  Go ‘prone’ and hit ‘secondary fire’ to deploy your bipod. (Or, find an ‘MG nest’ to deploy the bipod while standing.)

    P08 Luger Pistol

    Operation: Semiautomatic
    Caliber: 9mm Parabellum
    Capacity: 8 round box magazine
    Weight: 1.93 lbs
    Damage: Moderate
    Accuracy: Poor
    Recoil: Light

    The Pistol of the German Army, it does its job well. Use this weapon the way you would use a Colt, and you can't go wrong. Generally, though, it takes a bullet or two more to drop a single foe.

    Game Tips: Single shots with a pistol are uneffective.  Firing in quick succession is your only reasonable chance of overcoming an opponent with his primary weapon.

    "Spade” Entrenchment Tool

    Damage: Heavy

    Most soldiers in any army were issued "entrenching tools” – compact, light shovels that aided in the construction of foxholes, fortifications, etc.  It was found through combat experience that the German entrenching tool – a "spade” – was much more effective in close quarters combat than a standard knife or bayonet. 

    Game Tips: The Spade does slightly more damage than the other hand-to-hand weapons – either a hit to the body or head will take out an opponent.

    SS Knife

    Damage: Moderate

    A rare "showpiece” knife that was sometimes used in combat if the situation was desperate enough.

    Game Tips: A knife will usually only kill in one hit if it is to the head – so aim high.

    Gravity Knife

    Damage: Moderate

    Issued only to Fallschirmjaeger, this was more of a utility knife rather than a combat knife – used primarily to cut tangled parachute risers, etc.

    Game Tips: A knife will usually only kill in one hit if it is to the head – so aim high.

    Stielhandgranate 24

    Damage: Heavy

    Basic German hand grenade – also called a ‘stick grenade’ or ‘potato masher’.  Although the stick allowed these grenades to be thrown farther than most others, it also added extra weight to the grenade and made them very cumbersome to carry in large numbers.

    Game Tips: Enemy grenades can be caught and thrown back.  When you see an enemy grenade on the ground (or in the air, if you’re really good!), hit the ‘use’ key to catch it and the ‘fire’ key to throw it back.  Be quick, though – grenades only have a 5 second fuse.

    Категория: DoD Guide | Добавил: demon304dima (28.09.2011)
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