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    Главная » Статьи » Half-Life » Blue Shift

    Chapter 4 - "CAPTIVE FREIGHT" (part 2)

    Chapter 4: CAPTIVE FRIEGHT

        Chapter 4 - "CAPTIVE FREIGHT" (part 2)

    - Sluggo

    As you begin your search for Dr. Rosenberg, you'll go through many of the Black Mesa freight yards, as well as many other outdoor areas. The military has been called in, and they're seemingly everywhere in huge numbers. Fortunately, they don't seem to be looking for you, so continue your search and try to surprise soldiers whenever possible.

    The Yard Squad

    As you leave the scientist, another soldier bursts in. Kill him, move up the corridor, and into a stairwell. Right now, you can only exit the stairwell via the first floor, but if you go all the way up, you'll find three more soldiers to kill -- and more ammo to take.

    Exit the stairwell via the first floor door. Continue until you emerge outside...where you'll find a large squad of soldiers ready to attack. A satchel or two should dispose of most of them -- use grenades and your MP5 to finish off the rest.

    The door at the end of the yard will not open, so head back towards the dumpster near the yard entrance. A soldier will appear in a second story window and start shooting -- kill him, and then climb up the crates and tires to reach the window ledge.

    Climb through the window into the office.

    Warehouse Loading Area (Inside)

    Once through the window, go left (the door to the right is the second story entrance to the stairwell). Continue until you reach the WAREHOUSE SECURITY room. Shoot the lock on the gate, and grab all the ammo you can find. Don't forget the shotgun shells on the desk.

    You'll eventually reach a large indoor loading area, where you'll find yet another squad of soldiers. (Do NOT go into Parcel Receiving area, as the soldiers will box you in and use grenades.)

    Kill everyone, and then open up the container on the right, which holds a scientist (not Rosenberg, though). The container on the left is a frozen storage container for more aliens -- unfortunately, not all of them remain frozen, so, errr, don't bother opening that container.

    If you want, backtrack to Parcel Recieving room after killing everything, and you'll be greeted with a scene of many slain scientists. Apparently the military has orders to kill everyone and everything. There's some health in here as well.

    You can now exit the warehouse loading area through the door on the right. You'll encounter some more soldiers -- dispose of them and continue to the freight yard.

    Freight Yard

    You'll emerge in a large frieght yard, and find yourself in the middle of yet another big fight with the military. Use grenades and satchels, and take cover when possible.

    Once you've killed all the soldiers, take note of the box marked ".50 CAL MOUNTED MACHINE GUN". Break open the box.

    You should hear a scientist banging from inside a storage container. Unfortunately, the container entrance is blocked by two large spools of metal cabling.

    Shoot all the small wood blocks holding the spools in place -- the spools should roll away and allow you access to the container entrance (shoot the wood blocks in front of the container as well). Just your luck, this scientist isn't Rosenberg, either.

    Immediately mount the .50 caliber gun and aim for the far wall. More soliders will rush in, and you should be able to mow most of them down with the mounted gun. They come in waves, however, so don't leave your post until you're sure no more soldiers are coming in.

    It's important that you shoot the soldiers before they get out of the gun's range; otherwise, soldiers will attack you from all sides and you'll have to leave the gun and kill everyone piecemeal.

    Once the way is clear, continue through the tunnel.

    The Tank

    At the end of the tunnel, you'll arrive at another open area with a military truck, lots more soldiers, and...an active tank. The turret on the tank turns very slowly, so use that to your advantage.

    Move around the yard in a circle, always trying to keep the tank's turret 180 degrees away from you. Pick off all the soldiers, and then turn your attention to destroying the tank.

    In the back of the military truck is a rocket launcher with ammo. (w00!) However, if the tank catches you in there, it will blow up the truck, with you in it.

    Run around the yard to lure the tank's turret away from the truck, then run around, grab the rocket launcher, and continue circling the tank. It should take 4 or 5 rockets to finish off the tank.

    Once the tank is history, there's LOTS more ammo in the yard to grab. Pick up the booty and move through the door next to the now-smoldering tank.

    The Propane Puzzle

    In the tunnel, you'll reach a door leading to another open passageway. As you emerge, there will be a turret on your right. Lob a grenade over to take it out.

    At the end of the passage, your exit is blocked. Climb onto the freight car and smash open the crates -- the last one contains 4 propane tanks. Hmmmm...

    Shoot the propane tanks from afar. Eventually, one will ignite and blast through the door like a rocket, making an exit for you to jump through.

    Next: Part 3: Finding Rosenberg
    Категория: Blue Shift | Добавил: demon304dima (28.09.2011)
    Просмотров: 791 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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