Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Map Strategies
straight from the "Follow Freeman” chapter from the single player game,
Overwatch’s combat centers around a bombed out office complex and the
streets surrounding it. One of the original two maps that came with
HL2DM, Overwatch’s gameplay is unique due in the fact it presents of
king of the hill style of game rather than the outright firefights of
the other levels. Why is it this way you ask? Simply check out the
highest floor of the office building yourself as up there you’ll find
the sole RPG and armor charge of the map. Additionally, said location is
also the only place where one can find additional rocket ammo and one
of the two medkits.
With these facts in mind, it’s a given that you’ll want to maintain
control of the top area for as long as possible. Unfortunately, due to
the lure of the RPG’s incredible stopping power, it’s a given that
virtually every player on the map will hounding for the position and the
blood of any player attempting to deny it from them. If you’ve lucked
out and cleared out any other players on the floor, you try to nab every
possible physics prop you can find and clog up the staircase to the
third floor. While you’re at it, mix up your make shift barrier with a
few explosive containers as well. By doing so, you cut off player’s only
possible entrance and ensure that it’ll be quite a while before anyone
else can swipe the RPG. While you’re up there, try to stay way from open
holes and lay low around the edges of the building. You’re a prime
target for grenades and explosive barrel tosses, so make sure you don’t
give the opposition the satisfaction of taking you out.
If you’re one of the unfortunate souls who couldn’t secure the top
position, don’t count out the potential point goldmine in the building’s
basement. This location is the only spot where you can find both the
assault rifle and the Combine balls. It’s also, aside from the stair
cases, the most useful place for them as well. This area is also
littered with physics props to exploit, so don’t expect your reign of
terror to last all that long, as some shmuck is bound to nail you with a
toilet sooner or later. Despite that potential drawback, you’ve got two
potential spawns to camp down there so you might as well make the most
of it.
The second floor is a rough position to fight for and will most
likely remain a no mans land through much of the match. That said, the
area is a ripe to spamming with grenade, RPG, and SMG ‘nade fire since
it’ll certainly have at least two players going at each other nearly all
the time. Said location is also only area of the map that is exposed
from virtually all angles, enabling you to clean house without even
setting a single foot in the door. The small stair wells that link this
floor to the basement and roof are prime candidates for loading down
with SLAMs. While most decent players will be expecting this sort of
trick, it’ll still give away their location and, potentially, trap a few
unfortunate souls in the process.
While most of our strategy so far has discussed combat within the
building, street warfare skills will play a pivotal role in most games,
especially early on when most players are freshly spawned. The streets
are also home to the magnum and crossbow weapons, tools that will prove
instrumental when trying to overtake the rooftops. The weapons also
prove advantageous for the long narrow streets as well, considering that
your target will have precious little space to maneuver in. It’s
important to keep your travels on the streets to only short burst
however, as the inevitable rocket will soon enough land square at your
slow feet. Take some time to practice boosting and bunny hopping around
the streets and get a feel for the shortest routes to the different
weapons. In time, you’ll spend only a few fleeting seconds on the
streets at most and far more inside the building where much of the
action is.
Above all, however, try and avoid becoming frustrated with Overwatch.
The map is a very unforgiving map to most new players, so you’ll need
keep yourself level headed if you find that you’re on the receiving end
of someone else’s rocket time after time. A good way to get acquainted
with the map is play a few team games before attempting a free for all
on it. The few the number of guns pointed at you, the more intimately
you can learn the ins and outs of a given level. Good luck you digital
warriors out there.
Please click here to download the optional screenshots .zip that goes along with this strategy guide. (Coming Soon!)
Map Selection