Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Map Strategies
of all the HL2DM maps available, Resistance is probably the smallest of
the batch. Build for a posse of about four players, the map essentially
follows a giant loop with little deviation or change in elevation.
Although a few advantageous areas exist throughout the map, conflict is
essentially a head on affair with little deviation from face to face
gunfights. Additionally, weapons and ammo are scarce, so games will
larger numbers of players will quickly degrade into massive SMG
Upon spawning, or respawning, your goals of the map should be three
fold. First, collect the power weapons of the map. Second, acquire extra
armor. Finally, lockdown- no pun intended- the respawn points on the
map in order to establish a comfortable lead for yourself. Collecting
weapons upon respawn when somebody already has map domination
established can be tough, but your general collection pattern should be
the following:
- Combine Assault Rifle/Combine Balls
- Shotgun
Making sure that you nab these weapons is of the utmost importance,
as the RPG and Combine Balls will allow you to quickly saturate your
enemy your enemy with one hit kill projectiles. In the process, he’ll be
so caught up in dodging these that he’ll never notice your incoming
buckshot or the cleverly placed SLAMs you left behind. Keep in mind that
the lack of elevation means that you’ll need some decent aim to use the
RPG efficiently. A good idea is to try and use the blast radius of the
rockets explosion off the walls and floor rather than attempting to hit
someone head on. Clearing out the small pit in the center atrium with
your RPG will also guarantee some easy kills. Additionally, the narrow
corridors leading to the upper floor and outside make prime areas to
launch your combine balls in, as the ricochet of the projectile will
ensure that at least one person will croak.
Once you’ve collected these weapons, making sure you secure the armor
chargers should be your second priority, as they are the only source of
armor available on the map. Under no circumstance should anyone else-
aside from your teammates- be allowed access to these chargers. In doing
this, you can assure yourself that your opposition will drop like files
under your barrage of heavy fire. A decent defense for them includes
attaching a slam to them or launching a rocket at a recharging player,
as the splash damage is bound to leave them hanging on to their life.
Although some would say that keeping your health in tip top shape is
important as well, the fact is a single medkit isn’t going to change the
tides of battle all that much unless you are fighting around it.
Finally, securing the spawnpoints should be your final priority of
the map upon restocking your weapons and armor. To do this more
effectively, try starting up your own personal game and keep committing
suicides to check out the different respawn locations. A little sad,
yes, but you’ll gain useful knowledge as to where the other players will
reappear once they come back. In particular, make sure you secure the
respawn points surrounding the rocket launcher, as any old chump can get
the one up on you should they have a weapon of that power. For
protection, a SLAM or two surrounding it wouldn’t be a bad idea, they’ll
cover your tail incase you’re not nearby when the RPG rematerializes.
Aside from these above guidelines, there are a few additional
pointers to keep in mind. The little crows nest over next to the combine
assault rifle is an awful place to set up camp. Not only are you
confined, should your opponent launch a combine ball or grenade at you,
but you’ll also find an explose barrel endangering you in the room as
well. Additionally, hanging out in the small guard shack next to the
shotgun is a bad idea as well, as there are no worthwhile items that
respawn within the shack. If you find anybody else stupid enough to hide
in these areas, however, a quick gravity gun tossed grenade will
quickly straighten them out. Also be aware the objects from the overhead
rafters can, with a little work, be grabbed and tossed with the gravity
gun. Though it’s probably rare you’ll see anybody bothering to nab the
wheelbarrow, be aware of its existence. Excluding that hard to reach
item, the best objects on the map to toss are the orange pushcarts. Not
only are they heavy enough to guarantee a kill, but their large size
protects you while ensuring other players will get nailed by it in some
Now you’re ready to go forth and fight the good fight brothers, crush
the oppressive Dr. Breen regime, remember that cooperation is slavery.
Resistance is freedom!