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    Out of all the HL2DM, Underpass happens to be the largest of the batch not for epic vistas or sprawling canyons, but for the sprawling network of underground service tunnels and sewers that link together virtually every location on the map. Additionally, the map requires players to know a fair number of advanced tricks if they hope to succeed and dominate. With these facts in mind, it’s not surprising that the level is a shoe in for many team deathmatch games. If you’re sick of relying on your teammates to score points, read on to learn how to dominate.

    Perhaps one of the most important facts to know about the map is that you’re required to cover not one, but two very distinct sections. The first is the abandoned subway track above ground, which focuses on open courtyard jousts and vertical combat, and the myriad of tunnels and passages the connect the lower levels. Both of these sections require unique combat strategies, as well as keen sense of timing and situational awareness. What makes these sections two distinct levels within the whole of underpass is that both feature a copious amount of weapons, ammo, and medical supplies. More importantly however, an RPG, Combine Assault Rifle, and Magnum can be found in both sections, meaning you’ll have to assume that your opposition is well armed at all times.

    The tunnels can be fairly disorienting for new players when the first begin, causing many to stick with the high ground and remain exposed at all times. However, mastering these tunnels is the key to your ultimate success for a number of reasons. First, they afford you some protections due to their maze-like layout. If you’re fairly new to the game, using this confusing setup to your advantage is an excellent way to rack up kills without exposing yourself to too much trouble. Dashing quickly between different passageways, dropping physics props to block the paths of players, and remaining quiet allows you to gain a slight advantage over whomever happens to fall into your lair. In fact, your traps can easily be augmented to your advantage underground since the tunnels are the only location where one can collect SLAMs. Second, the close quarters of the tunnels won’t allow your opposition much maneuvering room or, more importantly, opportunities to bunny hop or perform any other fancy dodging techniques. While meandering about, it’s a good idea to always keep the Shotgun or Combine rifle at the hip. While the advantages of using a shotgun at these ranges is a given, the amazing one hit kill power of the combine balls makes them indispensable while taking out any sewer rats. Keep in mind that many players will be anticipating such tricks, so you’ll need to set your traps and time your assaults well.

    As chaotic as the tunnels can become, nothing can compete with the outright open warfare occurring above ground. Though most players will prefer to stick to the tracks and joust one another with SMG firefights or Magnum shootouts, you shouldn’t discount wonderful cover the nearby storm drains provide. If any of the opposition thinks as tactically as you do, then it’s a given they’ll be using them to their advantage as well. In these cases, a quick gravity gun powered grenade toss should clear them out with all due haste. Such grenade tosses will also come in handy when attempting to clear out the rooftops of the nearby buildings if you happen to be out of an RPG. Speaking of the building, make sure no player besides yourself spends too much time up there. With wall mounted health and armor chargers, an RPG, and a Magnum, these floors will remain among the most highly contested pieces of real estate in the game. Keep in mind that there are two ways to reach the rooftops, so reclaiming your promised land shouldn’t prove too difficult if your enemy is engaged in combat on another side.

    While all of the above strategies will help you survive conflicts on the map, it helps to know an advanced movement trick to give yourself an advantage. Since a few areas of Underpass require you to know how to grav-jump let’s review it here. Essentially grav-jumping involves using your gravity gun, a physics prop, and your jump key to help boost you up higher locations. The execution of the trick is easy; the devil is in mastering the technique of it. To perform a grav jump, place a physics prop down on the ground, duck jump on top of it, stand up, jump up, pull out your gravity gun mid jump, and use the primary fire on the prop. The force of the gravity gun should shoot you up high into the air, allowing you gain far more air than you would though normal jumps. This technique can come in useful on the map for two primary reasons. First, it’ll allow you yet another way to assault the rooftops. Secondly, it’ll give you access to several secret item caches in the tunnels. In the included image guide, you can see a pictorial example where this useful item cache is and a recommended prop to access it (Images 1, 2, and 3). Additionally, we’ve also pointed out the two access points you must use to reach the secret RPG underground (Images 4 and 5). All right rebel, you’ve learned all the tricks you need to know for the reclamation of the City 17 underpass. Suit up, arm up, and move out!

    Please click here to download the optional screenshots .zip that goes along with this strategy guide. (Coming Soon!)

    Map Selection

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    Категория: Half-Life 2 Deathmatch | Добавил: demon304dima (28.09.2011)
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