Half-Life Walkthrough
Half-Life - Walkthrough
Forget About Freeman
As soon as this level starts you'll be confronted with a quickly
crumbling ceiling. Don't try to find a nook or cranny to hide in; there
aren't any. Instead, wait for the third chunk of ceiling that falls in
front of the railing. Hop on it and jump over the railing into the next room.
You'll hear an interesting message on the radio in the next room, and
you'll find a switch which activates a ceiling sentry gun. Use it to take
out the monsters which will jump out at you in the next room.
If you've played the deathmatch level of the same design this level
should seem pretty familiar. Go down the ramp and take a turn to the right
(to the area where the RPG is in deathmatch. There'll be a covered hatch
that you'll need to open; be careful of the snarks inside those weird egg
pod things.
Go down the hatch and take one of the "west" tunnels by jumping over the
grating. Continue on down the passageways' you'll need to jump into some
water and go under-over-around some crushers. Watch out for the alien fish
in the big water hole; you can ignore him as there's nothing in there
that's worth it.
After going through the water, destroy the turrets and kill the soldier
waiting for you, then go up the ladder back outside. There's another
stationary tank that you can either dodge or blow up; once past it, take
the elevator down.
When you come to another big stationary tank, you can jump up on it and
fire it at the door to blow it up. Lots of monsters come pouring in,
though, so be ready.
Be careful going through the door you just destroyed, as there's a big
gun waiting to blow you apart. Turn left and go through the doors.