Low-End System Guide
Turbban's Guide to DoD For Players with Lower End Systems
face it, when it comes to computers all systems are not made equal. I've
been playing DoD since beta 1.0 (my DoD player name is Turbban). I'm
sure some of you DoD players have seen me playing on many west coast
servers. But, what you may not know is the fact that I play on the
following system: 266 MHZ Pentium II, 320 MB RAM, NVIDIA Riva 128X 4 MB
video card. I get about 15 frames per second on average in Day of
Defeat. Also, I have a 33.6K connection... getting about 200-400 ms of
lag on average. But, I still manage to do relatively decently, taking
the #1 or #2 spot almost every round. As it stands, it's not the gaming
rig that makes a good gamer, it’s the gaming skills. Here are some tips
to help compensate for a crappy gaming rig:
1. Take it slow:
If you think you can play DoD acting like Arnold Schwarzenegger when
you're getting 15 fps, you've got another thing coming. The key to
playing with such a bad frame rate is to take it nice and slow. Spend
most of your time moving crouched and hidden. Only run if you encounter a
wide-open space (or if you're on a suicide run to capture an
2. Sniping is your friend:
Generally speaking, frame rates increase by 5-7 fps when standing
still as opposed to in motion. This makes sniping a lot easier then most
other classes (provided that you feel comfortable sniping). On maps
such as Ramelle, Schwetz, and Zafod, a good sniper makes can turn the
tide of war against the enemy within a couple minutes. So, even a gamer
with a lower end system can make a big difference.
3. The game is about objectives, not kills:
This is a fact that should be remembered by all players, but it is
especially important for players on lower-end systems. Stealthily
capturing objectives is generally a lot easier then engaging
the enemy in a full firefight. Coordinating with one's team is an
essential part of DoD, and is even more important for players with
"handicapped" systems. Ask your teammates to provide cover, out-flank
the enemy, and assist you in your run for the objectives.
4. Out of sight, out of mind:
Generally speaking, a skilled player with good frame rate and a low
ping will almost always win over an equally skilled player on a low-end
gaming system in a direct 1 on 1 firefight. The key to playing DoD (even
if you have a good gaming rig) is, as I have mentioned before, stealth.
The trick to overcoming opponents with better systems is to get the
drop on them. Sneak around... keep out of the enemy's line of vision. If
you see one route being heavily traversed by both the enemy and your
team, pick another more obscure route... even if it takes longer.
5. Ping compensation:
Playing with above 300 ms of lag is rather tricky. Make sure to aim for
the body (when possible), not the head. The upper torso is the largest
target area on a DoD player. If you aim for that spot, you're bound to
score a hit... even with a bad ping. As for ping spikes and lag deaths…
well... you just have to deal with it. :)
6. What classes should I play? Allies:
For people who prefer to play it safe and defend flags, the ideal
classes are the rifleman, the machine gunner (duh :)), or the sniper.
Defending using these classes doesn't require a very good frame rate, as
one won't be in motion. For flagging/capturing objectives with allies,
the Thompson is by far the best choice. It has the lightest recoil, and
it also has a good chance of hitting someone while in motion (spray and
pray :)). It is the easy gun to use after you've gotten the drop on
someone. The BAR is a good weapon if you plan on moving from spot to
spot waiting for the enemy to arrive (a.k.a. offensive camping :-p).
7. What classes should I play? Axis:
For a player with a bad frame rate, the best all around Axis class is
the Support Infantry. The Axis assault rifle is simply amazing. It's the
perfect mix of firepower and accuracy. It can be used on a run for the
objectives as well as in defense. A note about the assault rife though: always
shoot from either the prone or the crouch position. The Axis light
infantry is a very good defensive class, as is the axis machine gunner.
Sniping on Axis is a bit tricky (the sniper scope crosshairs are a bit
more difficult than the allied ones), but with practice it can also be
used very effectively in defense. The Axis assault infantry simply has
to much recoil for my tastes (especially with 15 fps :-/), but, as
always, use it if you feel comfortable.
that's the end of my rant. I hope you've found this guide at least
somewhat helpful. Oh yea... anyone feel like buying me a new computer?
haha. j/k. :) Remember, it's the gamer.. not the gaming rig.. that wins
the game. :)