Opposing Force - Missing In Action
of the larger episodes in Opposing Force, "Missing In Action" follows
Shephard as he continues along the only path available to him, trying to
figure out his next move. There are five distinct areas to the episode,
each of which present special challenges.
Ventiliation Area
- Make your way through the pipe area until you reach a small clearing.
Clear the Vortigaunts away, and ransack the crates. In the corner of
this area are some stacked vent pipes providing access to a vent. Break
the vent opening and climb in.
- As you make your way through the vent, break the first opening in the
vent floor that you see. Drop through, and you'll find yourself in a
ceiling area.
- Some of the ceiling tiles here are unstable and will collapse, sending
you into the electrified water below. With night vision off, it should
be easy to tell which tiles are safe and which are not, as weak tiles
have a slight discoloration. Make your way through the ceiling area
until you reach a ventilation area with two huge fans.
- Walk across the beams supporting the fans, and make your way to the
opening on the other side. Drop down on the catwalk and continue until
you are facing two more fans. Walk on the path directly between them and
drop down to find yet a third set of two fans.
- One of the fans here has only one blade, and a vent opening underneath
it. Time your move correctly, and climb into and down the vent.
Furnace Area
- At the bottom of the vent, smash your way out and you'll emerge in a
large furnace area. Time your movements and make your way to the far
side. The door is locked, but thankfully, there's yet another vent to
sneak into.
- You'll emerge from the vent at a second set of furnaces. This time,
you'll need to make your way to the furnace receptacle at the far left,
and climb in when there's no fire blowing through. Before making your
move, arm yourself and prepare to fight after running through.
- You'll emerge at a third furnace area, where a group of zombies has
set up a cozy little nest. Take out the zombies as quickly as possible
and prepare for your next move.
- At first glance, it would appear you're trapped in this furnace/nest
area. However, on a little ramp is a furnace with a "test fire" button
on it. Above the furnace is a sign clearly stating "do not block test
fire area", and the entire area is loaded with explosive crates. Hmmm...
- Find the one movable explosive metal crate and place it in the
furnace's test fire path. Press the button and stand back. The crates
should all explode, ripping a huge hole in the floor, providing your
escape path.
- Drop down the hole, make your way down the mini-cave, and climb in the
vent at the end. Climb out of the vent into a spacious underground
cavern area, and make your way down to a army truck and a dying marine,
who has a few final words of warning for you.
Garage Area
- Continue past the now-dead marine and down the ramp. Break every crate
you can, and eliminate all aliens in the area before pressing the
button to open the garage door. The door on the right will open,
revealing yet more aliens. Lob in a few grenades and satchels to soften
them up before heading in.
- Once in the garage, continue going through all the crates. One of the last crates will contain a RPG launcher.
- Upon rounding the corner, you'll encounter yet more aliens, an
elevator shaft, and a very frightened scientist. Peering into the
elevator shaft, you'll see openings both high and low, but the only way
up looks to be via a dangling cable, which is electrified at the moment.
Head downward.
Elevator Shaft Area
- Use the access ladders on the walls to make your way downward, and
jump onto the roof of the crashed elevator. Climb across the elevator
roof to the office floor.
- Find your way around the office floor, being careful not to slip on
the wet floor into another dangling electric cable. Climb over the
crates, find the power room, and turn the power off.
- Head back to the elevator shaft and climb the ladders as high as you
can go. You should be able to make an easy jump from here to the
dangling elevator cable. Climb the cable, and swing your way to the roof
of the other elevator. Make your way across the roof of the elevator
onto the office floor.
Office Floor
- From here, you'll need to make your way across the office floor, with a
single metal crate as your main ally. The first door you find is
locked, but there's a vent nearby. Use the crate to climb into it.
- You'll see a scientist at the end of the vent, but halfway through, an
explosion will rip the vent in half. Climb out and onto the top of the
broken vent, which will allow you to climb back into the remainder of
the ventilation duct. Make your way to the scientist, and the power cell
next to him, and then drop down into the office floor.
- Open the door behind you and reclaim your crate. Use it to climb over a pile of rubble next to an office.
- Once again you're faced with a locked door and a vent, but no crate to
reach the vent. Break the glass in the office window and lob the
grenade (conveniently left nearby) in. The entire office will explode,
leaving you plenty of room to drag your beloved crate around to access
the next vent.
- Drop down from the vent into the next office, where you'll find a
scientist lying electrocuted on a table. Make your way around the
hallway to a hole in floor, where you'll find yet another frightened
scientist. Climb down, turn off the power at the end of the hallway and
climb up the now-dead electrical cable back into the office complex.
- At this point, you would appear to be at a dead end, with both doors
in the room locked. However, you can hear soldiers nearby. Use the radio
in the room, and an engineer and a soldier will promptly blow up one of
the doors to reach you.
- Use the engineer to break open the remaining door, pile everyone you can into the elevator you find there, and head downward.
Next: Episode 4: Friendly Fire