Taking care of the first three things comes easy: COMMUNICATE. Let's look at two scenarios:
Scenario One: You're playing an allied soldier
in dod_caen2, hiding out at the second
flag. You spot two German soldiers heading into your alley, out to cap
both the point you're at, and your first one. So, you rush in there,
chuck a couple of grenades, and move in, only to find both of them not
only survived, but two more came in while you were maneuvering into the
alley. Before you can scream out, "KRAUTS!" you're riddled with more
lead than the paint on the George Washington Bridge.
Not so fun, huh? Let's look at the second scenario.
Scenario Two:You're playing a German Leicht
Infantry on dod_zafod, hanging out in
the ground level of the castle, when you spot two guys crossing the
bridge. You key your mic, and say, "We got two enemies coming
into our castle, I'm gonna try and go after 'em, help if you can." As
you start moving, you hear a sniper rifle go off, and one of the guys
crossing drops to the ground, motionless. The other poor shmuck,
spotting the sniper, starts popping off shots, while you move in, level
your Kar 98 sight onto his head, and pull the trigger.
Much better. You see, if you hadn't called it in, that sniper up
in your castle might not have had the chance to help you out, and, if
you had died, probably would have been killed when they cleared the
Sure, if you don't have a mic, it gets really hard to say that on your
keyboard, but that's why DoD implemented Wildcards.
Wildcards are nifty shorthand terms that display your health,
location, etc. I've seen entire sentences bound to one key, and with the
touch of a button, "I'm at The Big Horse with 45 HP, and I need help!"
pops up.
The following are wildcards I'm aware of:
Location: %l
ex.: "I'm hiding out at %l!" is seen by other players as, "I'm hiding out at (this location)!"
Health: %h
ex:"I've got %h health, and need some cover!" is seen as: "I've got 23
health, and need some cover!"
Class: %c
ex:"I’m a %c reporting in!" is seen as: "I'm a sniper reporting in!"
Last person you identified: %i
ex:"I’m with %i over here!" is seen as: "I’m with [LJ]Jeff over here!"
Health of the last person you identified: %r
ex:"%i has %r health left" is seen as: "[LJ]Jeff has 45 health left"
For best results, combine these wildcards and bind them to a key. For example, bring down the console and type:
bind m "say_team I'm a %c at %l with %h health, I need some backup!"
And every time you press M, your teammates will see "I'm a Sniper at Big Horse with 33 health, I need some backup!" Get it?
Being a Team Player
STAY TOGETHER. Sure, DoD makes no bonuses for group activity, ie,
Front Line Force, but let's face it: there's a better chance the guy on
the other side is gonna get hit if he's being shot by more than one
person. With the exception of snipers, seasoned players -- and the
occasional cheater -- wandering into the lion's den with out someone
watching your back is tantamount to suicide -- DON'T DO IT.
Ideally, you would want to advance as a fireteam of four or five,
but in the small-man groups of many DoD servers -- usually 18-20 per
server – that means that a lot of ground is left unguarded. Generally,
when I play, I try to go in groups of two or three, with a sniper
watching over us -- our angel in the wings, if you will.
When I play as a sniper, I love to watch as groups of two or
three advance all at once. If I could have my way, I'd smack them upside
the head for being a tool. Many military institutions adopted the "Fire
and Movement" concept for a reason. When one man moves up, the other
should find some cover and watch the advancing player's back, so that if
he drops, he can (hopefully) spot where it came from, tell the rest of
his team, and keep the attacker occupied while his teamates come to help
and/or flank him. I have seen this done to devastating effect.
Also, another thing: sure, getting the best score is the ideal
aim of any player, but people should also remember: DoD is a TEAM game,
not an
INDIVIDUAL game. Sure, playing by these hints may not get you the
highest score around, but if you play the game for your own score,
you're playing for the wrong reason. Besides, if you play as a team,
more often than not, you will get a decent score.
Lay of the Land
Knowing where everything is in the map is a BIG advantage. New
players come into the DoD community everyday, and more often than not,
they get killed because they walk into someplace a veteran would know
not to venture into. For example, many n00bies walk into the fire alley
of dod_thunder, only to get toasted, 'cause they didn't know the fire
was there.
If you know all the routes of a map, it's very easy to get behind
the enemy and waste them. Many a time have I taken an alternate route
to the enemy's area, rounded the corner, and found the backs of 4-5
enemy troopers, and me with a full clip. They might as well have painted
bull’s-eyes on their backs at that point.
This is also useful when a teammate calls in an enemy position.
If you know 2 snipers are in the Bank/White House/Pillar building (yes,
I've heard it called those things and more) in Caen2, then you don't
look like such an idiot when you speak/type back, "Uhm, Where is that,
Lastly, but not leastly, remember the first thing I told you:
COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE. It's no good getting yourself
killed and, by failing to inform your teammates where all this enemy
fire is coming from, you helped your enemy get more kills. Not what you
were hoping to do.