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    Главная » Статьи » Day of Defeat » DoD Strategies

    The Anti Guide

    The Anti Guide

        Day of Defeat: Strategies - The Anti Guide

    The Anti Guide
    Volume 2: Day of Defeat

    Strategies, Tactics, and Reference for the Day of Defeat 3.1 Half-Life Modification

    Official URL: http://www.nmt.edu/~prcm/dtb/tag_dod.html
    by Paul Ming a.k.a. Anti (prcm@nmt.edu), James Kearney a.k.a. Toasty Guy (lghtvsdrk@netscape.net), Brian Moss a.k.a. Dark Knight (http://www.nmt.edu/~prcm/dtb/dark_knight2333@hotmail.com), and Shawn Smith a.k.a. Spooty (jerrett@nmt.edu)
    Revision 7
    Copyright © 2002
    Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

    1. Preface
    2. Introduction
    3. Terminology
    4. Victory
    5. Situational Awareness
    6. Offense
    7. Defense
    8. Combat And Survival
    9. Stealth
    10. Team Play
    11. Sniping
    12. Machine Gunning
    13. Conclusion
    14. Appendix A: Maps
    15. Appendix B: Classes and Weapons


    This is not a guide. This is a collection of ideas that you can use, modify, or ignore. If you don't know what Half-Life is, you should find out before reading this. The Day of Defeat modification's web site is at http://www.dayofdefeatmod.com/.

    If you have not read the Player Manual, read it. (That page may be out of date, but you can probably find an updated manual in the Half-Life\dod directory on your computer.) You need to understand the basics of the game.

    If you find errors, have suggestions or just comments, please e-mail prcm@nmt.edu.


    Hypothetical situation: You're running in a group of four, and you see three of your teammates get mowed down by machine gun fire. Do you (a) continue and kill the machine gunner, (b) throw a grenade at the machine gunner, (c) run away, or (d) wait for the machine gunner to move or reload?

    If you answered (a) or (d), rethink your situation. Trying to kill the machine gunner head on will likely lead to failure, although it is possible to kill the machine gunner that way. Waiting for the machine gunner to move or reload wastes your time, and possibly your teams' also if you block a route.

    Throwing a grenade at the machine gunner isn't a bad idea, as long as you don't expose yourself. You can then attack the machine gunner right after the grenade explodes, assuming he undeploys to run away from the grenade.

    Running away is the safest answer. Find an alternate route to sneak around the machine gunner to kill him, or ignore him completely. This way, you don't waste time and don't needlessly get yourself killed.

    Of course, there are more than four ways to answer this question and there are far more variables to consider than just the machine gun. What's important is that you think about your situation before acting and that you do something intelligent. Read The Anti Guide to get ideas, but above all, think about it; think about your situation.


    Open space
    A vicinity where you can travel in any direction. Large fields and beachheads are examples of open spaces.
    Closed space
    A vicinity where you can travel in a few distinct directions. Passages, tunnels, and inside of buildings are examples of closed spaces.
    Field of fire
    The area a deployed machine gunner can fire at.
    Area capture flag
    A flag that can be captured by one person, but requires that person to stay near the flag for a certain amount of time. You cannot capture these flags while there is an enemy in the flag capture area.
    Instant capture flag
    A flag that can be captured by one person touching the flag, which is then instantly captured.
    Team capture flag
    A flag that requires multiple teammates near the flag in order to capture it. You cannot capture these flags while there is an enemy in the flag capture area.
    The time when team points are given based on the flags controlled. Ticks occur periodically. See Appendix A: Maps for specific tick periods.


    In your mind, there should be one overall purpose: to achieve victory. Your team needs to have more team points (not personal points) than the enemy team and it is your responsibility to accomplish this goal. Everything you do should reflect this objective. When you choose a class, you do so to fight effectively. When you take the offensive, you do so to score points. When you defend, you do so to prevent the enemy from scoring. When you kill enemy snipers and machine gunners, you do so to let your team advance effectively. But if you and your team kill randomly, your team's efforts will be unfocused and ineffective.

    Personal points are irrelevant.

    On standard maps, team points are awarded for holding flags during ticks. Unfortunately on these maps, you do not get many points for winning the round. This means the best strategy for team points might be to hold the majority of flags (ideally all but a neutral flag) instead of taking all of the flags. If your team can take the initiative at the beginning of each round, however, it would be better to capture all the flags.

    Paratrooper maps award team points for eliminating the enemy team or accomplishing objectives. Sometimes it will be better to kill the entire enemy team; other times it will be safer to simply accomplish the objectives. This depends on: if you only get one life per round, how many of your teammates are still alive (all of the official paratrooper maps have one life per round), and how many of the enemy team is still alive.

    Situational Awareness

    Situational awareness is how accurate your perception is of your environment. Before you can think about your situation, you have to know your situation. Before you can make an informed decision, you must be informed. Therefore, information gathering is the first step to achieving victory. The better your situational awareness is, the better your decisions and your combat will be.

    First, know what your objective is. Are you trying to control all the flags and prevent the other team from doing so? Are you solely attacking? Defending? Then, know where the objectives are and where you are in relation to them. How close are you to the nearest objective? How long will it take to get there? You know these facts by knowing the maps.

    Your primary source of information is your sight. Like your eyes in real life, you can only see in the direction you are looking. To know your situation, you have to look around you. Do not always look in the direction you are traveling. Instead, you should persistently survey your environment to detect enemies and teammates. (Note that you move faster when you just go straight as opposed to moving at angle. Therefore, at the beginning of rounds, just move straight forward.)

    In open spaces, look all around you. You have a lot of directions to cover. Look around you as you travel by strafing and looking at an angle to the direction you are running. As you pass streets and open doorways, strafe by while looking in them.

    In closed spaces, you only have a few places to look. These are the directions where enemies can appear. In tunnels, look ahead, behind, in corners, and entrances. In rooms, watch the entrances and windows. When you approach a corner, turn so that your crosshair is always aiming off of the corner. For example, if you come to a 90 degree left turn in a tunnel, keep the crosshair to the right of the corner.

    In both open and closed spaces, you cannot see behind boxes and other obstructions. So it is best to check behind such obstructions as you pass them. Watch for guns or parts of the enemy sticking out through walls.

    The world is not two dimensional. Enemies can be above or below you, so look above and below when appropriate.

    Always assume the enemy is everywhere.

    Your HUD provides critical information. From it, you know your health, stamina, ammunition, who controls which flags, time to next respawn, and possibly time left to attack or defend.

    On standard maps, the objective status, in the top left, tells you more than who controls which flag. They also tell you when someone is capturing an area capture flag (as the flag icon slowly changes color) or when someone is near a team capture flag (when you see 2/3, that means there are two people at a team capture flag that requires three people). Knowing which flag the enemy just captured (or is in process of capturing) gives you a good idea of their position.

    On paratrooper maps, the objective status has objectives instead of flags, otherwise the same information is given.

    The death messages, in the top right, are extremely useful. If you know where your teammates are and see a death message for them, then you know a potential location for enemies. If your teammate was defending the last flag, then you know you need to capture an enemy flag or go defend your flag. Death messages also tell you when you've killed an enemy behind cover (e.g., when you shoot through a door or when you shoot through a wall with a machine gun).

    The icons in death messages show the weapon used to kill. If you see three of your teammates get mowed down in front of you, and you see three death messages of an enemy machine gunner killing them, then you know what to expect.

    In paratrooper maps with only one life per round, death messages can be used to track how many enemies remain alive. Count enemy deaths and see how many players are on the enemy team by looking at the scores.

    Chat messages are useful when your teammates tell you something useful. When chatting, you can type in %l (a percent sign followed by a lowercase L) to say your location.

    When someone captures an instant capture flag, there is a message in the lower left saying so. Use this to track enemies and teammates.

    Sound is an excellent source of information. First, sound provides positioning information. (Make sure that your speakers are loud enough so that you can hear footsteps.) You can hear enemies sneaking up behind you or coming from the sides. You can hear people fall from higher ground and you can hear doors open. You can hear people jump and you can hear people go prone. But be aware that you do not make footstep sounds when you move while crouching. Also, if you are near the enemy spawn point, you can hear the enemy re-cock their guns when they respawn.

    Second, sound provides weapon information. Learn to distinguish weapons based on their sound and rate of fire. Knowing which weapon was fired lets you know if there's a friendly or an enemy near you. Listen for the enemy to reload. Also, the Allied Rifleman's primary weapon makes a distinctive ding after firing the last round in its magazine.

    Compose each piece of information to get a good idea of what's going on around you. For example, you may hear an enemy weapon fire and then see a death message that an enemy killed one of your teammates. If you can determine where the sound was coming from, then you know where that specific enemy is. Perhaps that was near a friendly flag, so you'll know the enemy is likely to capture that flag.

    A very important skill is keeping track of specific enemies. You can do this by watching who capture which flags, who kills who, where the killing is taking place, and who's alive and who's dead. Also, seeing what weapon they use might give you an idea of what they're up to. For example, a machine gunner mowing down everyone is probably deployed and staying in one spot. (A smart machine gunner, however, may move around.)

    Knowing everything will not be enough to win. First, you have to think about what the information means. Then, you need to think about your situation to take advantage of it.


    Offense is the way to win, and therefore should be your primary activity. Offense means taking flags and territory, whether you are taking neutral ground or enemy ground. A good offense serves as a good defense, because it forces the enemy to fight in their territory rather than yours.

    If you can, capture flags deep in enemy territory. This will distract the enemy with recapturing their closest flags and hunting for you. It's better to hold back the enemy in their territory.

    A good stratagem is to place yourself behind the enemy. One way to do this is coming near the enemy spawn area, hiding, and letting the enemy pass you (or making sure that the enemy already has passed you). Once you are behind the enemy, you can easily kill them. (It may be a bad idea to capture flags first, because that will alert the enemy to your position.)

    If the enemy's defenses are concentrated at one objective, then do not attack that objective. Instead, attack other objective. This will give you some easy objective captures as well as spreading the enemy's defenses to other objectives, which weakens his defenses at the first objective.

    Fight the enemy where he is weakest.

    In fact, it is better to avoid the enemy completely. Capture objectives where the enemy has no defense.

    If you must fight concentrated defenses, then try to attack the enemy from his rear or from multiple directions at once.


    Defense means defending objectives and territory that are already yours. Offense is usually preferable to defense (except when your objective is to only defend or you don't want to capture the last enemy flag). Your entire team defending the last flag is a guaranteed way to lose. Pure offense forces the enemy back, while pure defense invites the enemy to victory.

    But if you are forced to defend, there are some principles to follow. First, the best places to defend are at chokepoints, where the enemy has no choice but to go through when advancing. Whenever possible, hold off the entire enemy team. If you cannot defend at a chokepoint, defend routes that the enemy is more likely to take.

    Second, aggressively defend as far forward as possible. This will give your team a chance to recover should the enemy break through. (This obviously not apply to maps where you only get one life per round.) Also, you want to start shooting the enemy before they capture your flag, not after.

    Keep the enemy on the defensive when possible.

    Area capture and team capture flags cannot be captured while there is an enemy in the flag capture area. The same applies for area capture and team capture objectives in paratrooper maps. You can use this to your advantage by stepping into the flag capture area just before the enemy captures the flag. Then, if the enemy cannot see you, you may want run out of the area, so that the enemy believes that they can capture the flag. Repeat.

    If your team only has the flag near your base, it may be a good idea to throw grenades at it and then go capture other flags. You do not want to waste time staying near the last flag because you need to recapture other flags, and the grenades may prevent the enemy from capturing it.

    Combat And Survival

    Before engaging the enemy, ask yourself if combat is even necessary. You need to capture objectives. Killing the enemy can help you in that goal, if the enemy is preventing you from doing so, but combat will interfere with your goal if you are behind the enemy about to capture their last controlled flag. In most situations, however, you will want to engage the enemy.

    It is easier to kill the enemy if you spot them before they spot you (see Situational Awareness). If you are aware of them first, you can sneak behind them or prepare to shoot them when they appear. When the enemy does not have a chance to shoot back, then your chances of survival go up. Be sneaky. (Being sneaky means not providing any information listed in Situational Awareness to the enemy. Also see Stealth.)

    Deceive the enemy. If you are hiding, then try to kill the enemy when he is out in the open (rather than killing him as soon as you see him), so that he'll think you're somewhere else. Be consistent about killing the enemy in the same spot, and you can confuse the entire enemy team.

    Always be prepared to kill the enemy. When you are traveling, keep your crosshair where you expect the enemy to appear (for example, doorways when you're inside). That way you can fire without having to aim.

    Move unpredictably. It is easier to kill an enemy who is not moving than one who is, and it is easier to kill an enemy who's moving in a pattern than one who is moving randomly. Of course, your shots will not be as accurate when you are moving, so it may be necessary to stop and crouch before you shoot.

    Minimize the number of directions you have to watch for enemies. You do this by hiding behind cover in directions that you do not want to watch for enemies, and exposing yourself in directions that you are watching for enemies. Only expose yourself as necessary. If you want to throw a grenade, try to do it from a covered position. Kill from covered positions if possible. However, remember that exposure is necessary to winning; hiding the entire time usually is ineffective.

    When you must expose yourself, use surprise. One tactic is to crouch behind cover, pop up, shoot an enemy, and then duck back down. Another is to jump sideways from behind a wall (or other cover), start crouching, and shoot the enemy. Often times, simply running out shooting from behind a corner will surprise the enemy.

    You can use smoke from grenades, ambient bombs and mortars to hide yourself from the enemy. It is better to travel when the enemy cannot see you. You also can hide behind bushes and other vegetation, but be sure that your weapon does not stick out, else the enemy can spot you.

    When swimming (and not jumping), you can go above the surface and fire your gun or throw grenades.

    If you see a stream of enemy machine gun fire, resist the urge to go through it.

    One way to throw grenades is to throw the grenade straight down, start counting down from 5, pick up the grenade with your use button, and throw it at the enemy before you reach 0. This will make sure that the enemy does not have a chance to throw your grenade back or get away.

    If you are engaged with an enemy who has as a less accurate weapon than you, for example, an undeployed machine gun, then keep your distance to take advantage of range. Conversely, if you are the one with an inaccurate weapon, then try to close your distance.

    When fighting multiple enemies, first kill the enemy that represents the biggest threat to you. Ideally, you want to kill everyone that you're fighting. When you're fighting with an automatic weapon, it may be best to spray them all first and then kill them. That way they will slow down from being hit and will be less effective. If there's an enemy machine gunner and you know you're going to die, then try to kill him. Machine gunners can be very dangerous to your team, so it's good to take them out.

    When you start bleeding, first kill any immediate threats. If instead you immediately apply bandages, then you'll be helpless against nearby enemies. While fighting, check your health, and if you can survive bleeding for a bit, continue fighting. Once you're about to die from bleeding, you may want to apply bandages and hide from enemies.

    At near point blank range, a deployed enemy machine gunner is vulnerable as long as you surprise him and minimize the time you are in his field of fire. The closer you are to a machine gunner, the faster you'll move on his screen. Once you out of his field of fire, you can easily kill him without worrying about return fire.

    The fact that you do not have a crosshair with the sniper rifles when unzoomed should not discourage you from using the rifle unzoomed. Learn where the center of your screen is and practice firing without a crosshair.


    Stealth will allow you to infiltrate and stay within enemy territory without being detected. The ability to be stealthy will give you an important strategic advantage: the capability to move to any position. Stealth movement, however, will not necessary allow you to reach a position at the right time.

    There are two types of stealth: static stealth and dynamic stealth. Static stealth is hiding in a fixed position and dynamic stealth is moving without the enemy detecting you. Both types of stealth will contribute to your victory. Static stealth will allow you to stay near a team capture flag until help arrives, put you in a position to easily capture the enemy's last instant capture flag, or ambush the enemy. Dynamic stealth will allow you to get to a better position or get to a static stealth position without raising suspicion.

    Both types of stealth are essentially not giving away information about your position (see Situational Awareness). This means do not fight the enemy until they've detected you. Do not make noise near the enemy by running, climbing ladders, jumping, falling, going prone, shooting, throwing grenades, picking up ammunition or grenades, knifing or shoveling. Do not allow the enemy to see you. The way to do this is to know every nuance of every map. Know where the you can hide and where you can be spotted from (and watch those spots so you know when your position has been compromised). Know the usual paths of the enemy's movement. Do not stay in flag capture areas of enemy flags, otherwise everyone will know your position from the flag icons. Do not clip through walls and bushes with your legs (when prone) or your gun. Do not let your legs or gun stick out from behind obstructions.

    Static stealth involves choosing a position that minimizes the clues the enemy has of your location. Some good places are inside of rooms, small side passageways that lead to no where of importance, and above or below the enemy's path. These are not the only places you can hide; each position must be considered. A hay stack just outside of the enemy's spawn area may be enough cover to hide. Some bad places to hide include flag capture areas of enemy held flags and positions where the enemy normally hides (unless you plan on camping them).

    Going prone may or may not help you achieve static stealth. Being prone makes you harder to see, unless you clip your legs or gun through a wall. Consider this carefully when you are hiding near walls. Also, when you go prone, you make a noise. Try not to go prone while the enemy is near.

    Dynamic stealth involves choosing paths to avoid the enemy and timing your movement. Know which paths the enemy is more likely to take, and avoid those. If you detect the enemy in a certain path, then you obviously don't want to go down that path, so choose another. If you're killed going through a certain path, then you'll probably want to choose a different path when you respawn so that the enemy cannot ambush you on the same path.

    The way to time your movement is to take advantage of Day of Defeat's wave spawning. Because the enemy spawns in waves, they will likely travel in a large group. When you suspect the enemy wave is near, take a static stealth position to wait for the enemy wave to pass, and then move behind them and continue on your way. In such situations, being able to hear the enemy's footsteps is vital so that you know when they have passed.

    Although capturing flags is the object of standard maps, do not capture flags while trying to be stealthy. It is a dead give away of your position. And with instant capture flags, the enemy will see your name and know who to hunt down. Especially, do not stay in flag capture areas. If you must pass through a flag capture area, sprint so that you minimize the time the enemy can see you in the objective status.

    Another thing to consider in dynamic stealth is the noise you make. Crouching is the best way to move without making a noise. It's faster than crawling and you can shoot while moving. Crouching while climbing ladders also will reduce the noise you make. Crouching, however, is slower than running, so you should only crouch when you suspect the enemy is near. Try to avoid jumping and going prone while the enemy is near.

    When being stealthy, you probably will not be able to look for the enemy, because otherwise they will see you (note that this is not the case if they pass by you without noticing you). Sound will then become your primary, or at least your first, source of information. Learn to listen and determine the enemy's position.

    There are some places you cannot be stealthy without being very lucky. Stealth will give you an advantage, but it will not help if you cannot be stealthy. Do not become too dependent on stealth.

    Team Play

    Your team will be more effective if your team is coordinated. But there are some Do Nots that will make your team less effective.

    Do not obstruct your team. If you are in doorway or small tunnel, do not stop without a good reason (for example, killing an enemy). Or at least crouch or go prone so that your teammates can jump over you.

    Do not shoot your teammates. If you shoot them in the head, their vision and effectiveness go to zero. If friendly fire is on, the implications should be obvious.

    Do not travel in large, tight groups. That is an excellent way for your entire team to get killed by a machine gun or a grenade.

    Do not run into your teammates. Running into them restricts your teammates' maneuverability.

    Do communicate with your team. Tell them where you've spotted enemies, where you are, and where you are heading. This will give your teammates information they would otherwise not get. But don't say things like, "There's a sniper over there in that window." (Where's "over there"?) Be specific. Say, "There's a sniper above their second flag in the left window." On some maps, team saying %l (a percent sign followed by a lowercase L) will say your location.

    When fighting, it helps to cover your teammates. While the enemy is distracted with shooting at a teammate, you can kill the enemy. Also, you can be the one distracting the enemy if you have faith in your teammates.

    When you're following a teammate, look for enemies in the directions that he does not look. You do not want to be too surprised to discover an enemy behind you.

    If you have confidence in your teammates, do not defend the same area they are defending. It's better to defend in a different direction than your teammate, so that together you maximize the area you are covering.

    When your teammates are capturing an objective, move ahead of them to intercept the enemy. This prevents the enemy from stopping the capture.

    If you can coordinate with your teammates, it's possible to win the round by capturing the last two objectives simultaneously.


    Offensively, sniping is for taking out targets that your team cannot take out themselves. Defensively, sniping is for killing the enemy. Generally, do not stay in the same position for more than two waves.

    After the first moment of a grenade blast, the smoke is a visual obstruction, but will no longer hurt you. The same applies to ambient mortars and bombs. If you are pinned down, use these as cover to gain a better position.

    Effective sniping on beach maps is of vital importance. You must cover your team in order for them to get off the beach. As the Axis, Overlord's beach can be an excessively hard place to snipe. It does provide some excellent practice for developing a rhythm to sniping that can be applied to other maps (particularly the skill of ducking behind cover between shots to remain concealed).

    Another important aspect of sniping is learning to counteract sway. In general, sway is good. It prevents excessive camping to some extent, and (ideally) keeps the less skilled people from taking up sniper slots on your team. Sway engages only when you are zoomed in and not moving your mouse. The most effective way to deal with sway is to practice moving directly to a target and firing. Once developed, this skill has the additional bonus of allowing you to cover more area while zoomed in (keep moving, keeping the target more at the edge of your circle as you scan, rather than the middle).

    Another thing to be aware of is that when zoomed in, you inherently limit your field of vision, and therefore cannot cover every enemy avenue of attack. In the few spots that you can, you have to face the full force of the enemy team, which is hard to handle with a bolt-action weapon. Such spots are better left to machine-gunners. Therefore, try to keep aware of your surroundings as much as possible without compromising your effectiveness as a sniper. If someone on your team is emplacing himself nearby, note who it is and consider action if the person is killed. Pay close attention to sounds. You usually won't be able to hear the targets you snipe, but stand a chance of hearing someone coming specifically for you. Always assume the worst if someone is approaching, and position accordingly.

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